Sunday, March 9, 2008

Baby on board?

We talked before about removing the girlfriend evidence from your nudie shots. No purses, no get the picture.

But it might be a good idea to remove your infant's items as well. The stroller? Not hot. And that duckies tablecloth - not hot!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Is There an Interior Decorator in the House?

We've talked about the importance of posing for a nude photo in a room where the walls aren't hideously tacky, and neither is the carpet. But today's photo demonstrates that it's just as important what you pose on.

That is possibly the ugliest couch I've ever seen. Is it meant to be camouflage? I think there may be a naked man laying on it, but I can't be sure.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Disco is Dead, Baby

I don't think I need to comment on this one.

Look and learn, boys.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Like a Needle in a Haystack

I'm always fond of photos where guys pose naked outdoors. It implies a certain fun and frivolity with one's sexuality. But even in the wide open spaces, there are some settings to avoid.

Case in point - posing here doesn't seem wise. I mean, compared to those enormous bales of hay, this poor man's flaccid schmeckle vanishes away (even without my editing).

Here's the tip guys - making your member look smaller than it is...not a good idea.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Not Manly

Dude - the purse? Not hot. Don't pose in your girlfriend's closet.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Too Much Information

I try not to be judgmental of a messy office. It happens. A man needs a place to keep his crap and look at his internet porn.

But if said man wants to pose in the nude there, he might want to consider the decor.

This man is telling us, "I love tacky movies from the 80s about stalkers and rapists starring has-beens like Connie Stevens." Oh, and don't forget, "I like Gumby."

Score for body - an A-. Overall score - D+.

Watch and learn, boys.

What Decade Is This?

Actually, the current decade isn't relevant. Those curtains were NEVER in style.